Pathfinding NPC complet (a tester)

This commit is contained in:
attilavs2 2024-07-21 11:50:12 +02:00
parent 96f413eb14
commit e7ada9d3da

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@ -53,9 +53,38 @@ int npc_append_path(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, NPC *npc)
npc->ypath[npc->path_length-1] = y;
uint8_t *as_reconstruct_path(uint8_t *came_from, int came_size, uint8_t *current, int curr_size)
void as_clean(uint8_t *visited, uint8_t *gscore, uint8_t *fscore)
int as_reconstruct_path(uint16_t *came_from, int w, int h, uint16_t spos,
uint16_t dest, NPC *npc)
if(npc_clear_path(npc)) return 1;
uint16_t next = came_from[dest];
int returnv = 0;
if(npc_append_path(next%w, next/h, npc))
returnv = 1;
if(next == dest){
returnv = 0;
next = came_from[next];
return returnv;
//Returns non zero error code on failure
@ -63,60 +92,75 @@ uint8_t *as_reconstruct_path(uint8_t *came_from, int came_size, uint8_t *current
//(Very much unfinished for now)
int npc_pathfind(int dest_x, int dest_y, Map *full_map, NPC *npc)
int i, j;
uint32_t w = full_map->w;
uint32_t h = full_map->h;
uint32_t x = npc->x;
uint32_t y = npc->y;
uint32_t x = floor(npc->curx);
uint32_t y = floor(npc->cury);
uint32_t spos = y*w+x;
uint8_t *map = full_map->walkable;
if(map[spos]) return 2;
if(map[dest_y*w+dest_x]) return 2;
uint8_t *came_from = malloc(w*h);
uint8_t *visited = malloc(w*h);
for(i=0; i<w*h; i++) visited[i] = 1;
int16_t *came_from = malloc(w*h*2);
for(i=0; i<w*h; i++) came_from[i] = -1;
uint8_t *gscore = malloc(w*h);
for(i=0; i<w*h; i++) fscore[i] = 255;
gscore[spos] = 0;
uint8_t *fscore = malloc(w*h);
for(i=0; i<w*h; i++) fscore[i] = 255;
fscore[spos] = 0;
int tx = x;
int ty = y;
int tpos = spos;
int bx;
int by;
int i, j;
uint8_t bscore;
int bx = x;
int by = y;
for(int iter=0; iter < 1024; iter++)
//Check surronding tiles for cost
bx = x-1;
by = y-1;
for(i = tx-1; i < tx+1; i++)
bscore = 255;
//Cheapest known tile
for(i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
//Out of bounds (admissible)
if(i < 0) continue;
//Out of bounds (unforgiveable)
if(i > w) break;
for(j = ty-1; j < ty+1; j++)
//Out of bounds (admissible)
if(j < 0) continue;
//Out of bounds (joever for it)
if(j > h) break;
//Has collision
if(map[j*w+i]) continue;
if(i == dest_x && j == dest_y){
return npc_append_path(i, j, npc);
//Calculate score (direct distance)
int deltX = tx-dest_x;
int deltY = ty-dest_y;
int tscore = sqrtf(deltX*deltX+deltY*deltY);
if(visited[i]) continue;
if(fscore[i] > bscore) continue;
bx = i%w;
by = i/w;
bscore = fscore[i];
if(bx == dest_x && by == dest_y)
as_clean(visited, gscore, fscore);
return as_reconstruct_path(came_from, w, h, spos, dest_y*w+dest_x, npc);
visited[by*w+bx] = 1;
int att_score;
for(i = bx-1; i < bx+1; i++)
for(j = by-1; j < by+1; j++)
if(map[j*w+i]) continue;
att_score = gscore[by*w+bx] + lenght(bx-i, by-j);
if(att_score < gscore[j*w+i])
came_from[j*w+i] = by*w+bx;
gscore[j*w+i] = att_score;
fscore[j*w+i] = att_score + lenght(i-dest_x, j-dest_y);
if(visited[j*w+i]) visited[j*w+i] = 0;
return 1;