import giteapc.gitea as gitea from giteapc.repos import LocalRepo, RemoteRepo from giteapc.util import * from giteapc.config import REPO_FOLDER, PREFIX_FOLDER import fnmatch import shutil import os import re # # Determine full repo names from short versions # def local_match(name): """Find all local repositories with the specified name.""" return [ r for r in LocalRepo.all() if == name ] def remote_match(name): """Find all remote repositories matching the given name.""" return [ r for r in gitea.all_remote_repos() if == name ] def resolve(name, local_only=False, remote_only=False): assert not (local_only and remote_only) # Resolve full names directly if "/" in name: if not remote_only and LocalRepo.exists(name): return LocalRepo(name) if local_only: raise ResolveMissingException(name, local_only, remote_only) r = gitea.repo_get(name) if r is None: raise ResolveMissingException(name, local_only, remote_only) return r # Match local names without owners if not remote_only: r = local_match(name) if len(r) == 0 and local_only: raise ResolveMissingException(name, local_only, remote_only) elif len(r) == 1: return r[0] elif len(r) > 1: raise ResolveAmbiguousException(name, r, "local") # Match remote names without owners if not local_only: r = remote_match(name) if len(r) == 0: raise ResolveMissingException(name, local_only, remote_only) elif len(r) == 1: return r[0] else: raise ResolveAmbiguousException(name, r, "remote") # # Utilities # def print_repo(r, branches=None, tags=None, has_giteapc=True): color = "ARGYBMW"[sum(map(ord,r.owner[:5])) % 7] print(colors()[color] + "{}{_}/{W}{}{_}".format(r.owner,, **colors()), end="") print(" (remote)" if r.remote else " (local)", end="") if r.remote and r.parent: print(" {A}[{}]{_}".format(r.parent.fullname, **colors()), end="") if r.remote and has_giteapc == False: print(" {R}(NOT SUPPORTED){_}".format(**colors()), end="") print("") if r.remote: print(("\n" + r.description).replace("\n", "\n ")[1:]) else: print(" {W}Path:{_}".format(**colors()), r.folder, end="") if os.path.islink(r.folder): print(" ->", os.readlink(r.folder)) else: print("") branches = r.branches() tags = r.tags() if branches: print(" {W}Branches:{_}".format(**colors()), end="") for b in branches: if "local" in b and b["local"] == False: print(" {A}{}{_}".format(b["name"], **colors()), end="") else: print(" " + b["name"], end="") print("") if tags: print(" {W}Tags:{_}".format(**colors()), " ".join(t["name"] for t in reversed(tags))) def pretty_repo(r): color = "ARGYBMW"[sum(map(ord,r.owner[:5])) % 7] return colors()[color] + "{}{_}/{W}{}{_}".format(r.owner,,**colors()) def split_config(name): """Splits REPOSITORY[@VERSION][:CONFIGURATION] into components.""" RE_CONFIG = re.compile(r'^([^@:]+)(?:@([^@:]+))?(?:[:]([^@:]+))?') m = re.match(RE_CONFIG, name) if m is None: return None repo, version, config = m[1], m[2] or "", m[3] or "" return repo, version, config # # repo list command # def list(*args, remote=False): if len(args) > 1: return fatal("repo list: too many arguments") if remote: # Since there aren't many repositories under [giteapc], just list them # and then filter by hand (this avoids some requests and makes search # results more consistent with local repositories) repos = gitea.all_remote_repos() else: repos = LocalRepo.all() # - Ignore case in pattern # - Add '*' at start and end to match substrings only pattern = args[0].lower() if args else "*" if not pattern.startswith("*"): pattern = "*" + pattern if not pattern.endswith("*"): pattern = pattern + "*" # Filter repos = [ r for r in repos if fnmatch.fnmatch(r.fullname.lower(), pattern) or r.remote and fnmatch.fnmatch(r.description.lower(), pattern) ] # Print if repos == []: if args: print(f"no repository matching '{args[0]}'") else: print(f"no repository") return 1 else: for r in repos: print_repo(r) return 0 # # repo fetch command # def fetch(*args, use_ssh=False, use_https=False, force=False, update=False): # Use HTTPS by default if use_ssh and use_https: return fatal("repo fetch: --ssh and --https are mutually exclusive") protocol = "ssh" if use_ssh else "https" # With no arguments, fetch all local repositories if args == (): for r in LocalRepo.all(): msg(f"Fetching {pretty_repo(r)}...") r.fetch() if update: r.pull() return 0 for spec in args: name, version, config = split_config(spec) r = resolve(name) # If this is a local repository, just git fetch if not r.remote: if version: msg("Checking out {W}{}{_}".format(version, **colors())) r.checkout(version) msg(f"Fetching {pretty_repo(r)}...") r.fetch() if update: r.pull() continue msg(f"Cloning {pretty_repo(r)}...") # For remote repositories, make sure the repository supports GiteaPC has_tag = "giteapc" in gitea.repo_topics(r) if has_tag or force: LocalRepo.clone(r, protocol) if not has_tag and force: warn(f"{r.fullname} doesn't have the [giteapc] tag") if not has_tag and not force: fatal(f"{r.fullname} doesn't have the [giteapc] tag, use -f to force") # # repo show command # def show(*args, remote=False, path=False): if remote and path: raise Error("repo show: -r and -p are exclusive") if not remote: for name in args: r = resolve(name, local_only=True) if path: print(LocalRepo.path(r.fullname)) else: print_repo(r) return 0 repos = [] for name in args: r = resolve(name, remote_only=True) branches = gitea.repo_branches(r) tags = gitea.repo_tags(r) topics = gitea.repo_topics(r) repos.append((r, branches, tags, "giteapc" in topics)) for (r, branches, tags, has_giteapc) in repos: print_repo(r, branches, tags, has_giteapc=has_giteapc) # # repo build command # def build(*args, install=False, skip_configure=False, update=False): if len(args) < 1: return fatal("repo build: specify at least one repository") specs = [] for spec in args: repo, version, config = split_config(spec) repo = resolve(repo, local_only=True) specs.append((repo, version, config)) msg("Will build:", ", ".join(pretty_repo(spec[0]) for spec in specs)) for (r, version, config) in specs: pretty = pretty_repo(r) config_string = f" for {config}" if config else "" if version != "": msg("{}: Checking out {W}{}{_}".format(pretty, version, **colors())) r.checkout(version) if update: r.pull() # Check that the project has a Makefile if not os.path.exists(r.makefile): raise Error(f"{r.fullname} has no giteapc.make") env = os.environ.copy() if config: env["GITEAPC_CONFIG"] = config env["GITEAPC_PREFIX"] = PREFIX_FOLDER if not skip_configure: msg(f"{pretty}: Configuring{config_string}") r.make("configure", env) msg(f"{pretty}: Building") r.make("build", env) if install: msg(f"{pretty}: Installing") r.make("install", env) msg(f"{pretty}: Done! :D") # # repo install command # def install(*args, use_https=False, use_ssh=False, update=False): if args == (): return 0 # First download every repository, and only then build fetch(*args, use_https=use_https, use_ssh=use_ssh) build(*args, install=True, update=update) # # repo uninstall command # def uninstall(*args, keep=False): if len(args) < 1: return fatal("repo uninstall: specify at least one repository") for name in args: r = resolve(name, local_only=True) msg(f"{pretty_repo(r)}: Uninstalling") env = os.environ.copy() env["GITEAPC_PREFIX"] = PREFIX_FOLDER r.make("uninstall", env) if not keep: msg("{}: {R}Removing files{_}".format(pretty_repo(r), **colors())) if os.path.isdir(r.folder): shutil.rmtree(r.folder) elif os.path.islink(r.folder): os.remove(r.folder) else: raise Error(f"cannot handle {r.folder} (not a folder/symlink)") parent = os.path.dirname(r.folder) if not os.listdir(parent): os.rmdir(parent)