juic: add basic unit tests to consolidate

This way when I get the record constructors right (which I think I have
in my mind now) I can keep around non-regression tests.
This commit is contained in:
Lephenixnoir 2024-08-28 10:43:23 +02:00
parent 24f3e14061
commit e79ba0056b
No known key found for this signature in database
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7 changed files with 207 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -156,6 +156,8 @@ BIG TODO:
- Don't have a scope and ability to let- or fun-declare inside function body!!
- `rec x() = y {}; x {}` is it of record type `x` or `y`? How to say that `x`
is based on `y`?
-> it's of type y, which is derived from x and may or may not have custom
codegen that overrides that of x
- List syntax
@ -177,17 +179,6 @@ The syntax for assigning at labels is a bit dodgy at the moment. It should be
-> function-based interface param("FX")
- "Control-flow": for(each) loops, what else needed for basic ops?
Limitation of lazy record construction: if you use a function in the middle of
a record construction, the record update `<{ }` will force the evaluation of
fields even though it would be possible not to force that.
fun f(e) = e <{ width: e.width + 10 };
rec r1(x) = f <| base { width: x };
rec r2(x) = r1 { height: this.width; x };
r2 { 10; }
Capturing "this" in a local variable to get a snapshot is required, otherwise
we can't refer to parents.

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@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ def juiLen(x):
raise JuiTypeError("len")
return len(x)
R_record = RecordType("record", None)
R_subrecord = RecordType("subrecord", R_record)
builtinClosure = Closure(parent=None, scope=MutableScopeData(defs={
"print": (0, BuiltinFunction(juiPrint)),
"len": (0, BuiltinFunction(juiLen)),
# TODO: Remove the built-in record type "record" used for testing
"record": (0, RecordType.makePlainRecordType()),
"subrecord": (0, RecordType.makePlainRecordType()),
"record": (0, R_record),
"subrecord": (0, R_subrecord),
}, timestamp=1))

View file

@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ class Function:
class RecordType:
# TODO: Record prototypes?
# Record name
name: str
# Base type for inheritance/subconstructor logic
base: Union[None, "RecordType"]
def makePlainRecordType():
return RecordType()
# TODO: Record prototypes?
# @dataclass
# class RecordCtor:
@ -99,3 +100,88 @@ def juiIsConstructible(value):
def juiIsRecordUpdatable(value):
return type(value) == Record
# Generic functions on values
# String representation of a value
def juiValueString(v):
match v:
case None:
return "null"
case bool():
return str(v).lower()
case int() | float():
return str(v)
case str():
return repr(v)
case CXXQualid():
return "&" + v.qualid
case list():
return "[" + ", ".join(juiValueString(x) for x in v) + "]"
case BuiltinFunction():
return str(v)
case Function():
p = v.params + (["..." + v.variadic] if v.variadic else [])
s = "fun(" + ", ".join(p) + ") => " + str(v.body)
s += " (in some closure)"
return s
case RecordType() as rt:
return str(rt)
case Record() as r:
s = r.base.name + " {"
s += "; ".join(x + ": " + juiValueString(y) for x, y in r.attr.items())
s += "; ".join(juiValueString(x) for x in r.children)
return s + "}"
raise NotImplementedError
case Thunk() as th:
return str(th)
case PartialRecordSnapshot() as prs:
return str(prs)
case _:
raise NotImplementedError
# Check whether two *forced* values are equal
def juiValuesEqual(v1, v2):
match v1, v2:
case None, None:
return True
case bool(), bool():
return v1 == v2
case int(), int():
return v1 == v2
case float(), float():
return v1 == v2
case str(), str():
return v1 == v2
case CXXQualid(), CXXQualid():
return v1.qualid == v2.qualid
case list() as l1, list() as l2:
return len(l1) == len(l2) and \
all(juiValuesEqual(v1, v2) for v1, v2 in zip(l1, l2))
case BuiltinFunction(), BuiltinFunction():
return id(v1) == id(v2)
case Function(), Function():
raise Exception("cannot compare functions")
case RecordType(), RecordType():
return id(v1) == id(v2)
case Record() as r1, Record() as r2:
if not juiValuesEqual(r1.base, r2.base):
return False
if r1.attr.keys() != r2.attr.keys():
return False
if any(not juiValuesEqual(r1.attr[k], r2.attr[k]) for k in r1.attr):
return False
if len(r1.children) != len(r2.children):
return False
if any(not juiValuesEqual(v1, v2)
for v1, v2 in zip(r1.children, r2.children)):
return False
return True
case Thunk() as th1, Thunk() as th2:
assert th1.evaluated and not th1.invalid
assert th2.evaluated and not th2.invalid
return juiValuesEqual(th1.result, th2.result)
case PartialRecordSnapshot(), PartialRecordSnapshot():
raise Exception("cannot compare PRSs")
case _, _:
raise Exception(f"invalid types for comparison: {type(v1)}, {type(v2)}")

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@ -104,6 +104,21 @@ class Thunk:
# Whether the thunk is currently under evaluation
_running: bool = False
def __str__(self):
s = "Thunk("
if th._running:
s += "running, "
if th.evaluated:
s += "evaluated"
if th.invalid:
s += ", invalid"
s += " = " + juiValueString(th.result)
s += "unevaluated"
s += "){ " + str(th.ast) + " }"
return s
# Object representing the interpretation of a partially-built record. In a
# record construction or update operation, fields of `this` refer to the latest
# definition before the point of use, if there is one, or the definition in the
@ -121,58 +136,12 @@ class PartialRecordSnapshot:
# Base object for fields not captured in `fieldThunks`
base: None | Thunk = None
def __str__(self):
return "<A PRS AAAAAAH>" # TODO
def copy(self):
return PartialRecordSnapshot(self.fieldThunks.copy(), self.base)
# TODO: Make this a general value printing function
def juiValueString(v):
match v:
case None:
return "null"
case bool():
return str(v).lower()
case int() | float():
return str(v)
case str():
return repr(v)
case CXXQualid():
return "&" + v.qualid
case list():
return "[" + ", ".join(juiValueString(x) for x in v) + "]"
case BuiltinFunction():
return str(v)
case Function():
p = v.params + (["..." + v.variadic] if v.variadic else [])
s = "fun(" + ", ".join(p) + ") => " + str(v.body)
s += " (in some closure)"
return s
case RecordType():
return "<RecordType>"
case Record() as r:
s = juiValueString(r.base) + " " + "{"
s += "; ".join(x + ": " + juiValueString(y) for x, y in r.attr.items())
s += "; ".join(juiValueString(x) for x in r.children)
return s + "}"
raise NotImplementedError
case Thunk() as th:
s = "Thunk("
if th._running:
s += "running, "
if th.evaluated:
s += "evaluated"
if th.invalid:
s += ", invalid"
s += " = " + juiValueString(th.result)
s += "unevaluated"
s += "){ " + str(th.ast) + " }"
return s
case PartialRecordSnapshot():
return "<A PRS AAAAAAH>"
case _:
raise NotImplementedError
class JuiTypeError(Exception):
@ -421,6 +390,17 @@ class Context:
case Node.T.SET_STMT, _:
raise NotImplementedError
case Node.T.UNIT_TEST, [subject, expected]:
vs = self.evalExpr(subject)
ve = self.evalExpr(expected)
vs = self.force(vs)
ve = self.force(ve)
if not juiValuesEqual(vs, ve):
print("unit test failed:")
print(" " + str(vs))
print(" " + str(ve))
case _, _:
return self.evalExpr(node)

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
//^ null;
//^ 3;
let zero = 0;
zero + 2 * 20 - 8 / 4;
//^ 38;
"hello" + "," + "world";
//^ "hello,world";
if(2 < 4) 8;
//^ 8;
if(2 > 4) 8;
//^ null;
if(2 > 4) 8 else 14;
//^ 14;
let z = 4;
(z + 10) * 3;
//^ 42;
let helloworld = "Hello, World!";
len("xyz" + helloworld) + 1;
//^ 17;

View file

@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ usage: juic [OPTIONS] INPUT
JustUI high-level description compiler.
--debug=lexer Dump the lexer output and stop.
=parser Dump the parser output and stop.
--debug=lexer Dump the lexer output and stop
=parser Dump the parser output and stop
--unit-tests Check unit tests specified by "//^" comments
def usage(exitcode=None):
@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ def usage(exitcode=None):
def main(argv):
# Read command-line arguments
opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv[1:], "", ["help", "debug="])
opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv[1:], "",
["help", "debug=", "unit-tests"])
opts = dict(opts)
if len(argv) == 1 or "-h" in opts or "--help" in opts:
@ -45,7 +47,8 @@ def main(argv):
source = fp.read()
lexer = juic.parser.JuiLexer(source, args[0])
lexer = juic.parser.JuiLexer(source, args[0],
keepUnitTests="--unit-tests" in opts)
if opts.get("--debug") == "lexer":
return 0
@ -65,6 +68,11 @@ def main(argv):
ctx = juic.eval.Context(juic.builtins.builtinClosure)
if "--unit-tests" in opts:
for e in ast.args:
return 0
for e in ast.args:
v = ctx.execStmt(e)

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@ -76,12 +76,18 @@ class NaiveRegexLexer:
if not len(self.input):
return None
highestPriority = 0
longestMatch = None
longestMatchIndex = -1
for i, (regex, _, _) in enumerate(self.TOKEN_REGEX):
for i, (regex, _, _, *rest) in enumerate(self.TOKEN_REGEX):
priority = rest[0] if len(rest) else 0
if (m := re.match(regex, self.input)):
if longestMatch is None or len(m[0]) > len(longestMatch[0]):
score = (priority, len(m[0]))
if longestMatch is None or \
score > (highestPriority, len(longestMatch[0])):
highestPriority = priority
longestMatch = m
longestMatchIndex = i
@ -90,7 +96,7 @@ class NaiveRegexLexer:
self.raiseError(f"unknown syntax '{nextWord}'")
# Build the token
_, type_info, value_info = self.TOKEN_REGEX[longestMatchIndex]
_, type_info, value_info, *rest = self.TOKEN_REGEX[longestMatchIndex]
m = longestMatch
typ = type_info(m) if callable(type_info) else type_info
@ -212,15 +218,17 @@ def unescape(s: str) -> str:
class JuiLexer(NaiveRegexLexer):
T = enum.Enum("T",
["WS", "KW", "COMMENT",
RE_UTMARKER = r'//\^'
RE_COMMENT = r'(#|//)[^\n]*|/\*([^/]|/[^*])+\*/'
RE_INT = r'0|[1-9][0-9]*|0b[0-1]+|0o[0-7]+|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+'
# RE_FLOAT = r'([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*|[0-9]+)([eE][+-]?{INT})?f?'
RE_KW = r'\b(else|fun|if|let|rec|set|this)\b'
RE_KW = r'\b(else|fun|if|let|rec|set|this|null|true|false)\b'
RE_IDENT = r'[\w_][\w0-9_]*'
RE_ATTR = r'({})\s*(?:@({}))?\s*:'.format(RE_IDENT, RE_IDENT)
RE_VAR = r'\$(\.)?' + RE_IDENT
@ -253,12 +261,20 @@ class JuiLexer(NaiveRegexLexer):
TOKEN_DISCARD = lambda t: t.type in [JuiLexer.T.WS, JuiLexer.T.COMMENT]
def __init__(self, input, inputFilename, *, keepUnitTests):
if keepUnitTests:
unit_rule = (self.RE_UTMARKER, JuiLexer.T.UNIT_TEST_MARKER, None, 1)
self.TOKEN_REGEX.insert(0, unit_rule)
super().__init__(input, inputFilename)
class Node:
T = enum.Enum("T", [
"LIT", "IDENT", "OP", "THIS", "PROJ", "CALL", "IF", "SCOPE",
ctor: T
args: list[typing.Any]
@ -480,7 +496,20 @@ class JuiParser(LL1Parser):
def scope(self):
isNone = lambda t: t is None
entries = self.separatedList(self.scope_stmt, sep=";", term=isNone)
return Node(Node.T.SCOPE, entries)
# Rearrange unit tests around their predecessors
entries2 = []
i = 0
while i < len(entries):
if i < len(entries) - 1 and entries[i+1].ctor == Node.T.UNIT_TEST:
entries[i+1].args[0] = entries[i]
i += 2
i += 1
return Node(Node.T.SCOPE, entries2)
def scope_stmt(self):
match self.la.type, self.la.value:
@ -490,5 +519,8 @@ class JuiParser(LL1Parser):
return self.fun_rec_decl()
case JuiLexer.T.KW, "set":
return self.set_stmt()
case JuiLexer.T.UNIT_TEST_MARKER, _:
return Node(Node.T.UNIT_TEST, [None, self.expr()])
case _:
return self.expr()