from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Tuple, Union import juic.parser from juic.parser import Node from juic.datatypes import * # Storage of a scope's internal data, including all definitions in the scope. # The data in this object is never copied, so for instance, the name -> value # mappings are always unique and can only be found in the relevant's scope # unique MutableScopeData instance. This data is, of course, not constant, # which makes it unsuitable for building closures. The Closure type captures an # immutable snapshot of a scope's contents at one point in time. @dataclass class MutableScopeData: # List of definitions. Each value has a timestamp integer that indicates # when it was added; this allows snapshots to ignore definitions newer than # the snapshot by simply comparing timestamp values. The value itself is # either a thunk (evaluated or not), or a runtime value. defs: dict[str, Tuple[int, Union[JuiValue, "Thunk"]]] = \ field(default_factory=dict) # Current timestamp, changed every time a value is added. timestamp: int = 0 def addDefinition(self, name: str, content: Union[JuiValue, "Thunk"]): if name in self.defs: raise JuiRuntimeError(f"{name} already defined in current scope") self.defs[name] = (self.timestamp, content) self.timestamp += 1 def lookup(self, name: str, maxTimestamp: int = -1) \ -> Union[JuiValue, "Thunk", None]: if name not in self.defs: return None if maxTimestamp >= 0 and self.defs[name][0] >= maxTimestamp: return None return self.defs[name][1] def dump(self): digits = len(str(self.timestamp)) print(f"Scope: timestamp={self.timestamp}, defs:") for name, (ts, content) in self.defs.items(): print(f" {ts: >{digits}} {name}:", juiValueString(content)) # An immutable snapshot of all definitions that can be referred to at a given # point in time. This specifies the interpretation of all defined identifiers # but not of the "this" keyword. @dataclass class Closure: # Parent snapshot on which this one is based, which defines the contents of # surrounding scopes at that time. parent: Union["Closure", None] # Reference to the scope in which the closure was created. scope: MutableScopeData # Timestamp at which the closure was created. Definitions from `scope` # created later than the closure will be ignored during name lookup. timestamp: int = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self): # Automatically get the timestamp at the time of creation self.timestamp = self.scope.timestamp def lookup(self, name: str) -> Union[JuiValue, "Thunk", None]: value = self.scope.lookup(name, self.timestamp) if value is not None or self.parent is None: return value return self.parent.lookup(name) def dump(self, level=0): print(f"Closure at depth {level}: timestamp={self.timestamp}:") self.scope.dump() if self.parent is not None: self.parent.dump(level+1) # Thunk representing a suspended/lazy computation. Thunks are evaluated when # needed (which is the call-by-need evaluation strategy). They are always # interpreted in the context of the associated closure. # # While the object is technically mutable, the result of the computation # (whether a value or a cyclic invalid result) is entirely determined by the # expression AST and closure, so the result is just a lazily computed/memoized # member. That said, the result might not exist if there is a cyclic dependency # between this and other thunks referenced by the closure. @dataclass class Thunk: # Expression AST that the thunk evaluates to ast: Node # Closure in which the thunk can be evaluated, plus the definition for # "this"; if there is one, it is always a PRS closure: Closure thisReference: Union[None, "PartialRecordSnapshot"] = None # Whether the thunk has been evaluated yet evaluated: bool = False # Whether the thunk has been evaluated to an invalid result because of a # cyclic dependency with other thunks captured by the closure invalid: bool = False # If the thunk has been evaluated and is not invalid, resulting value. None # is a possible resulting value (`null` in the language); do not use this # field to determine whether the thunk has been successfully evaluted. result: JuiValue = None # Whether the thunk is currently under evaluation _running: bool = False # Object representing the interpretation of a partially-built record. In a # record construction or update operation, fields of `this` refer to the latest # definition before the point of use, if there is one, or the definition in the # underlying record otherwise, if there is one. Because the use of record # constructor arguments can create forwards dependencies, all these definitions # are thunked and computed lazily in a somewhat unpredictable order. A partial # record snapshot fully specifies the interpretation of all fields of a # partially-constructed record (i.e. `this`) at the location of one record # entry. It does so by mapping defined field names to the correct thunks. This # object is how dependencies between fields are discovered and followed. @dataclass class PartialRecordSnapshot: # Mapping from fields of `this` to thunks fieldThunks: dict[str, Thunk] = field(default_factory=dict) # Base object for fields not captured in `fieldThunks` base: None | Thunk = None def copy(self): return PartialRecordSnapshot(self.fieldThunks.copy(), self.base) # TODO: Make this a general value printing function def juiValueString(v): match v: case None: return "null" case bool(): return str(v).lower() case int() | float(): return str(v) case str(): return repr(v) case CXXQualid(): return "&" + v.qualid case list(): return "[" + ", ".join(juiValueString(x) for x in v) + "]" case BuiltinFunction(): return str(v) case Function(): p = v.params + (["..." + v.variadic] if v.variadic else []) s = "fun(" + ", ".join(p) + ") => " + str(v.body) s += " (in some closure)" return s case RecordType(): return "" case Record() as r: s = juiValueString(r.base) + " " + "{" s += "; ".join(x + ": " + juiValueString(y) for x, y in r.attr.items()) s += "; ".join(juiValueString(x) for x in r.children) return s + "}" raise NotImplementedError case Thunk() as th: s = "Thunk(" if th._running: s += "running, " if th.evaluated: s += "evaluated" if th.invalid: s += ", invalid" else: s += " = " + juiValueString(th.result) else: s += "unevaluated" s += "){ " + str(th.ast) + " }" return s case PartialRecordSnapshot(): return "" case _: raise NotImplementedError class JuiTypeError(Exception): pass class JuiNameError(Exception): pass class JuiStaticError(Exception): pass class JuiRuntimeError(Exception): pass # TODO: Better diagnostics for type errors def requireType(v: JuiValue, predicate: Callable[[JuiValue], bool]): if not predicate(v): raise JuiTypeError(f"type error: got {v}, needed {predicate}") def requireSameType(vs: list[JuiValue], predicate: Callable[[JuiValue], bool]): if len(vs) == 0: return if len(set(type(v) for v in vs)) != 1: vals = ", ".join(str(v) for v in vs) raise JuiTypeError(f"type error: heterogeneous types for {vals}") if not predicate(vs[0]): raise JuiTypeError(f"type error: got {vs[0]}, needed {predicate}") # Evaluation context. This tracks the current scope and provides evaluation # functions, error tracking, etc. class Context: # Current top-level scope. Can be None. This is the only scope in which we # can add definitions. currentScope: MutableScopeData # Current closure defining the scopes that surround `currentScope`. currentClosure: Closure | None def __init__(self, initialClosure = None): self.currentScope = MutableScopeData() self.currentClosure = initialClosure self._contextStack = [] #=== Context switch commodity ===# _contextStack: list[Tuple[MutableScopeData, Closure]] class ContextSwitchContextManager: def __init__(self, parent: "Context", c: Closure): self.parent = parent self.targetClosure = c def __enter__(self): p = self.parent p._contextStack.append((p.currentScope, p.currentClosure)) p.currentScope = MutableScopeData() p.currentClosure = self.targetClosure def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): p = self.parent s, c = p._contextStack.pop() p.currentScope = s p.currentClosure = c # Temporarily switch the execution context. This is used when we need e.g. # to evaluate a thunk in its associated closure. Morally one could # construct a different Context object, but it's easier to accumulate error # messages and other things in the same Context object. # Example: # with self.contextSwitchAndPushNewScope(myClosure): # myResult = self.eval(myExprNode) def contextSwitchAndPushNewScope(self, c: Closure): return Context.ContextSwitchContextManager(self, c) # Freeze the current scope and push a new empty one to start working in. # Example: # with self.pushNewScope(): # self.addDefinition(myParamName, myParamValue) # myResult = self.eval(myFunctionBody) def pushNewScope(self): return self.contextSwitchAndPushNewScope(self.currentStateClosure()) #=== State management ===# # Build a the closure of the current state def currentStateClosure(self): return Closure(parent=self.currentClosure, scope=self.currentScope) # Add a new definition in the innermost scope def addDefinition(self, name: str, content: JuiValue | Thunk): return self.currentScope.addDefinition(name, content) # Lookup a name def lookup(self, name: str) -> JuiValue | Thunk | None: return self.currentStateClosure().lookup(name) #=== Evaluation helpers ===# def makeFunction(self, params: list[Tuple[str, bool]], body: Node) \ -> Function: # Check validity of the variadic parameter specification variadics = [i for i, (_, v) in enumerate(params) if v] for (name, _) in params: count = len([0 for (n, _) in params if n == name]) if count > 1: raise JuiStaticError(f"duplicate argument {name}") if len(variadics) > 1: names = ", ".join(params[i][0] for i in variadics) raise JuiStaticError(f"multiple variadic arguments: {names}") if variadics and variadics != [len(params) - 1]: name = params[variadic][0] raise JuiStaticError(f"variadic argument {name} not at the end") variadic = params[variadics[0]][0] if variadics else None # Build function object return Function(closure = self.currentStateClosure(), body = body, params = [name for (name, v) in params if not v], variadic = variadic) #=== Main evaluation functions ===# # Expression evaluator; this function is pure. It can cause thunks to be # evaluated and thus reveal previously-undiscovered cyclic dependencies, # but it doesn't modify the context. def evalExpr(self, node: Node) -> JuiValue: match node.ctor, node.args: case Node.T.LIT, [x]: return x case Node.T.IDENT, [name]: match self.lookup(name): case None: raise JuiNameError(f"name {name} not defined") case Thunk() as t: return self.evalThunk(t) case value: return value case Node.T.OP, ["+", X, Y]: x = self.evalExpr(X) y = self.evalExpr(Y) requireSameType([x, y], juiIsAddable) return x + y # TODO: Arithmetic: integer division, type conversions case Node.T.OP, [("+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%") as op, X, Y]: x = self.evalExpr(X) y = self.evalExpr(Y) requireSameType([x, y], juiIsArith) match op: case "+": return x + y case "-": return x - y case "*": return x * y case "/": return x / y if type(x) == float else x // y case "%": return x % y case Node.T.OP, [("!" | "+" | "-") as op, X]: x = self.evalExpr(X) requireType(x, juiIsArith) match op: case "!": return not x case "+": return +x case "-": return -x case Node.T.OP, [(">"|">="|"<"|"<="|"=="|"!=") as op, X, Y]: x = self.evalExpr(X) y = self.evalExpr(Y) requireSameType([x, y], juiIsComparable) match op: case ">": return x > y case "<": return x < y case ">=": return x >= y case "<=": return x <= y case "==": return x == y case "!=": return x != y case Node.T.OP, [("&&" | "||") as op, X, Y]: x = self.evalExpr(X) y = self.evalExpr(Y) requireSameType([x, y], juiIsLogical) match op: case "&&": return x and y case "||": return x or y case Node.T.OP, ["...", X]: x = self.evalExpr(X) requireType(x, juiIsUnpackable) raise NotImplementedError("unpack operator o(x_x)o") case Node.T.OP, ["|", X, F]: f = self.evalExpr(F) requireType(f, juiIsCallable) return self.evalCall(f, [X]) case Node.T.OP, ["<|", F, X]: f = self.evalExpr(F) requireType(f, juiIsCallable) return self.evalCall(f, [X]) case Node.T.THIS, []: raise NotImplementedError case Node.T.PROJ, []: raise NotImplementedError case Node.T.CALL, [F, *A]: f = self.evalExpr(F) requireType(f, juiIsCallable) return self.evalCall(f, A) case Node.T.IF, [C, T, E]: c = self.evalExpr(C) requireType(c, juiIsLogical) if bool(c): return self.evalExpr(T) else: return None if E is None else self.evalExpr(E) case Node.T.RECORD, [R, *A]: r = self.evalExpr(R) requireType(r, juiIsConstructible) return self.evalRecordConstructor(r, A) case Node.T.REC_ATTR, _: raise NotImplementedError case Node.T.REC_VALUE, _: raise NotImplementedError case _, _: raise Exception("invalid expr o(x_x)o: " + str(node)) def execStmt(self, node: Node) -> JuiValue: match node.ctor, node.args: case Node.T.LET_DECL, [name, X]: self.addDefinition(name, self.evalExpr(X)) case Node.T.FUN_DECL, [name, params, body]: self.addDefinition(name, self.makeFunction(params, body)) case Node.T.REC_DECL, _: raise NotImplementedError case Node.T.SET_STMT, _: raise NotImplementedError case _, _: return self.evalExpr(node) # TODO: Context.eval*: continue failed computations to find other errors? def evalThunk(self, th: Thunk) -> JuiValue: if th.evaluated: if th.invalid: raise JuiRuntimeError("cyclic dependency result encountered") return th.result if th._running: raise JuiRuntimeError("cyclic dependency detected!") with self.contextSwitchAndPushNewScope(th.closure): if th.thisReference is not None: self.addDefinition("this", th.thisReference) th._running = True result = self.evalExpr(th.ast) th._running = False # TODO: Set invalid = True if we continue failed computations th.evaluated = True th.result = result return result def evalCall(self, f: JuiValue, args: list[Node]) -> JuiValue: # Built-in functions: just evaluate arguments and go # TODO: Check types of built-in function calls if type(f) == BuiltinFunction: return f.func(*[self.evalExpr(a) for a in args]) assert type(f) == Function and "evalCall: bad type check precondition" # Check number of arguments req = str(len(f.params)) + ("+" if f.variadic is not None else "") if len(args) < len(f.params): raise JuiRuntimeError(f"not enough args (need {req}, got {len(args)})") if len(args) > len(f.params) and f.variadic is None: raise JuiRuntimeError(f"too many args (need {req}, got {len(args)})") # TODO: In order to build variadic set I need a LIST node if f.variadic is not None: raise NotImplementedError("list node for building varargs o(x_x)o") # Run into the function's scope with self.contextSwitchAndPushNewScope(f.closure): for name, node in zip(f.params, args): th = Thunk(ast=node, closure=self.currentStateClosure()) self.addDefinition(name, th) # self.currentScope.dump() # self.currentClosure.dump() return self.execStmt(f.body) def evalRecordConstructor(self, ctor: JuiValue, entries: list[Node]) \ -> JuiValue: # Collect indices of fields and arguments separately; keep the order args = [] attr = [] for i, e in enumerate(entries): if e.ctor == Node.T.REC_ATTR: attr.append(i) elif e.ctor == Node.T.REC_VALUE: args.append(i) else: assert False and "record node has weird children o(x_x)o" # Base record constructor: starts out with an empty record. All # arguments are children. Easy. if type(ctor) == RecordType: r = Record(base=ctor, attr=dict(), children=dict()) if len(args) > 0: raise JuiRuntimeError(f"arguments given to type rec ctor") # Create thunks for all entries while providing them with # progressively more complete PRS of r. prs = PartialRecordSnapshot() for i in attr: name, label, node = entries[i].args th = Thunk(ast=node, closure=self.currentStateClosure()) th.thisReference = prs.copy() r.attr[name] = th prs.fieldThunks[name] = th return r # TODO: Factor this with function. In fact, this should reduce to a call # Check number of arguments req = str(len(ctor.params)) + ("+" if ctor.variadic is not None else "") if len(args) < len(ctor.params): raise JuiRuntimeError(f"not enough args (need {req}, got {len(args)})") if len(args) > len(ctor.params) and ctor.variadic is None: raise JuiRuntimeError(f"too many args (need {req}, got {len(args)})") # TODO: In order to build variadic set I need a LIST node if ctor.variadic is not None: raise NotImplementedError("list node for building varargs o(x_x)o") # Otherwise, it's a function so it might use raise NotImplementedError assert type(r) == Function and \ "evalRecordConstructor: not a record type nor a function" # Thunks should be created from a closure of the entire environment # -> This environment is always known, _except_ for # partially-constructed records # So, naturally... patch the PRS for "this" later on? # # ## In a normal function call # # Invariant: context of evaluating the expression that has the call is # complete. Use it for all the arguments. Done. # # ## In a record constructor with no parameters # # All attribute values have the same context when excluding "this", # it's just the context surrounding the record constructor, and # (invariant) it is complete. Use it to create all of the thunks. # # Later, iterate through the thunks in top-down order and patch the # "this" by constructing PRSs. # # Invariant is satisified because each thunk's closure is complete and # thus the context for evaluating their contents will also be # complete. # # ## In a record constructor with parameters # # Again, the entire context except for "this" is well-defined and # complete. Use it to create thunks for all record entries, inline or # not. # # Prepare a thunk for the call's evaluation, based on the function's # environment, assigning parameter-related thunks (or lists thereof) as # definitions for the function's arguments. # # Use the call's thunk as base for the PRS and sweep top-to-bottom # assigning PRSs in every record-entry thunk. # # Return a literal record with all non-parameter entries as elements. # Erm, remove duplicates. # # NOTE: NO WAY TO SPECIFY AN ATTRIBUTE IN A NON-STATIC WAY. # - Build thunks for all entries, with one layer of "this" data # - Call ctor1, pass it the argument thunks # - Move into ctor1's scope, add new scope with arguments # - Build a thunk for ctor1's body, this is second layer of "this" # /!\ It's not per-field! It's not per-field! # - Go back to toplevel, add second layer of "this" to all thunks # - Return a PartialRecord object that has ctor1's returned thunk as # base and the other fields as overrides. # # ... Looks too opaque at ctor1's level. # ... But then again for lazy evaluation all we need to know is it's a # record, and then we evaluated only when we project fields. If the # same thing happens with <{} there should be no problem. # ... Having exactly two layers is suspicious. What happens when we try # to get a field? # # 1. Lookup the field in the PartialRecord. If it has it, it's been # added by the latest constructor, and we know which it is. Evaluate # the thunk inside. # 2. Otherwise, evaluate the base thunk. In the "f <| rec { ... }" it's # a record update. This will yield another PartialRecord. Use it. # 3. This should work, but we need a PartialRecord. # # When do we convert back to a full Record? # How about that's what Record does, and it just has accessors? raise NotImplementedError def force(self, v: JuiValue) -> JuiValue: match v: case Record() as r: for a in r.attr: r.attr[a] = self.force(r.attr[a]) return r case Thunk() as th: self.evalThunk(th) if th.evaluated: return self.force(th.result) return th case _: return v