//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // ==>/[_]\ fxlink: A community communication tool for CASIO calculators. // // |:::| Made by Lephe' as part of the fxSDK. // // \___/ License: MIT // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include #ifndef FXLINK_DISABLE_UDISKS2 #include "../fxlink.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include int main_send(struct fxlink_filter *filter, delay_t *delay, char **files) { fxlink_filter_clean_udisks2(filter); GError *error = NULL; char **argv = NULL; int rc = 0; UDisksClient *udc = NULL; UDisksManager *udm = NULL; if(ud2_start(&udc, &udm)) return 1; UDisksBlock *block = NULL; UDisksDrive *drive = NULL; UDisksFilesystem *fs = NULL; rc = ud2_unique_wait(filter, delay, udc, udm, &block, &drive, &fs); if(rc != FXLINK_FILTER_UNIQUE) { rc = 1; goto end; } /* Determine a mount folder, mounting the volume if needed */ gchar *folder = NULL; gchar const *dev = udisks_block_get_device(block); gchar const * const * mount_points = udisks_filesystem_get_mount_points(fs); if(!mount_points || !mount_points[0]) { GVariant *args = g_variant_new("a{sv}", NULL); udisks_filesystem_call_mount_sync(fs, args, &folder, NULL, &error); if(error) { rc = elog("cannot mount %s: %s\n", dev, error->message); goto end; } printf("Mounted %s to %s.\n", dev, folder); } else { folder = strdup(mount_points[0]); printf("Already mounted at %s.\n", folder); } /* Copy files with external cp(1) */ int file_count = 0; while(files[file_count]) file_count++; argv = malloc((file_count + 3) * sizeof *argv); if(!argv) { rc = elog("cannot allocate argv array for cp(1)\n"); goto end; } argv[0] = "cp"; for(int i = 0; files[i]; i++) argv[i+1] = files[i]; argv[file_count+1] = folder; argv[file_count+2] = NULL; /* Print command */ printf("Running cp"); for(int i = 1; argv[i]; i++) printf(" '%s'", argv[i]); printf("\n"); pid_t pid = fork(); if(pid == 0) { execvp("cp", argv); } else if(pid == -1) { rc = elog("failed to fork to invoke cp\n"); goto end; } else { int wstatus; waitpid(pid, &wstatus, 0); if(!WIFEXITED(wstatus)) elog("process did not terminate normally\n"); else if(WEXITSTATUS(wstatus) != 0) { elog("process terminated with error %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(wstatus)); } } /* Unmount the filesystem and eject the device */ GVariant *args = g_variant_new("a{sv}", NULL); udisks_filesystem_call_unmount_sync(fs, args, NULL, &error); if(error) elog("while unmounting %s: %s\n", dev, error->message); else printf("Unmounted %s.\n", dev); args = g_variant_new("a{sv}", NULL); udisks_drive_call_power_off_sync(drive, args, NULL, &error); if(error) elog("while ejecting %s: %s\n", dev, error->message); else printf("Ejected %s.\n", dev); end: free(folder); if(argv) free(argv); if(fs) g_object_unref(fs); if(drive) g_object_unref(drive); if(block) g_object_unref(block); if(udc && udm) ud2_end(udc, udm); return rc; } #endif /* FXLINK_DISABLE_UDISKS2 */