Lephe 25db504c22 fxos: bring disassembling to a new level
Almost-complete implementation of fxos, the disassembler in particular
is now able to detect syscalls and register addresses on the fly, plus
support for SH4-only instructions.
2019-05-03 11:19:36 +02:00

268 lines
5.9 KiB

#include <fxos.h>
#include <errors.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Architecture we are disassembling for */
static enum mpu mpu = MPU_GUESS;
/* Current program counter */
static uint32_t pc = 0;
/* Data chunk under disassembly (whole file) */
static uint8_t *data;
static size_t len;
/* Non-NULL when disassembling an OS */
static struct os const *os = NULL;
/* pcdisp(): Compute the address of a PC-relative displacement
@pc Current PC value
@disp Displacement value (from opcode)
@unit Number of bytes per step (1, 2 or 4), depends on instruction
Returns the pointed location. */
static uint32_t pcdisp(uint32_t pc, uint32_t disp, int unit)
pc += 4;
if(unit == 4) pc &= ~3;
return pc + disp * unit;
/* pcread(): Read data pointed through a PC-relative displacement
@pc Current PC value
@disp Displacement value (from opcode)
@unit Number of bytes per set (also number of bytes read)
@out If non-NULL, set to 1 if pointed address is out of the file
Returns the value pointed at, an undefined value if out of bounds. */
static uint32_t pcread(uint32_t pc, uint32_t disp, int unit, int *out)
/* Take physical addresses */
uint32_t addr = pcdisp(pc, disp, unit) & 0x1fffffff;
if(out) *out = (addr + unit > len);
uint32_t value = 0;
while(unit--) value = (value << 8) | data[addr++];
return value;
/* matches(): Count number of matches for a single instruction
@opcode 16-bit opcode value
Returns the number of matching instructions in the database. */
static int matches(uint16_t opcode)
struct asm_match match;
int count = 0;
while(!asm_decode(opcode, &match, count))
return count;
static void arg_output(int type, char const *literal,
struct asm_match const *match, int opsize)
int n = match->n;
int m = match->m;
int d = match->d;
int i = match->i;
/* Sign extensions of d to 8 and 12 bits */
int32_t d8 = (int8_t)d;
int32_t d12 = (d & 0x800) ? (int32_t)(d | 0xfffff000) : (d);
/* Sign extension of i to 8 bits */
int32_t i8 = (int8_t)i;
int out_of_bounds;
uint32_t addr;
uint32_t value;
printf("%s", literal);
case IMM:
printf("#%d", i8);
case RN:
printf("r%d", n);
case RM:
printf("r%d", m);
case JUMP8:
value = pcdisp(pc, d8, 2);
printf("<%x", value);
if(os) analysis_short(os, value | 0x80000000);
case JUMP12:
value = pcdisp(pc, d12, 2);
printf("<%x", value);
if(os) analysis_short(os, value | 0x80000000);
case PCDISP:
addr = pcdisp(pc, d, opsize);
value = pcread(pc, d, opsize, &out_of_bounds);
printf("<%x>", addr);
if(out_of_bounds) printf("(out of bounds)");
printf("(#0x%0*x", opsize * 2, value);
if(os) analysis_short(os, value);
case AT_RN:
printf("@r%d", n);
case AT_RM:
printf("@r%d", m);
case AT_RMP:
printf("@r%d+", m);
case AT_RNP:
printf("@r%d+", n);
case AT_MRN:
printf("@-r%d", n);
case AT_DRN:
printf("@(%d, r%d)", d * opsize, n);
case AT_DRM:
printf("@(%d, r%d)", d * opsize, m);
case AT_R0RN:
printf("@(r0, r%d)", n);
case AT_R0RM:
printf("@(r0, r%d)", m);
case AT_DGBR:
printf("@(%d, gbr)", d * opsize);
static void instruction_output(uint16_t opcode, struct asm_match const *match)
char const *mnemonic = match->insn->mnemonic;
printf("%6x: %04x %s", pc, opcode, mnemonic);
/* Find out operation size */
size_t n = strlen(mnemonic);
int opsize = 0;
if(n >= 3 && mnemonic[n-2] == '.')
int c = mnemonic[n-1];
opsize = (c == 'b') + 2 * (c == 'w') + 4 * (c == 'l');
/* Output arguments */
if(!match->insn->arg1) return;
printf("%*s", (int)(8-n), "");
arg_output(match->insn->arg1, match->insn->literal1, match, opsize);
if(!match->insn->arg2) return;
printf(", ");
arg_output(match->insn->arg2, match->insn->literal2, match, opsize);
static void instruction_single(uint16_t opcode)
struct asm_match match;
asm_decode(opcode, &match, 0);
instruction_output(opcode, &match);
static void instruction_conflicts(uint16_t opcode, int count)
struct asm_match match;
printf("\n # conflicts[%d] on <%x>(%04x)\n", count, pc, opcode);
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
asm_decode(opcode, &match, i);
instruction_output(opcode, &match);
printf(" # table '%s'\n", match.table);
/* disassembly_os(): Disassemble an address or a syscall */
void disassembly_os(struct os const *src, struct disassembly const *opt)
/* Initialize this file's global state */
mpu = src->mpu;
pc = opt->start;
data = src->data;
len = src->len;
os = src;
/* Override MPU guesses if user requested a specific platform */
if(opt->mpu != MPU_GUESS) mpu = opt->mpu;
/* Handle situations where the start address is a syscall */
pc = os_syscall(os, opt->start);
if(pc == (uint32_t)-1)
err("syscall 0x%04x does not exist", opt->start);
/* Take physical addresses */
pc &= 0x1fffffff;
/* Cut the length if it reaches past the end of the file */
uint32_t limit = (pc + opt->len) & ~1;
if(limit > os->len) limit = os->len;
/* Enforce alignment of PC */
if(pc & 1)
err("address is not 2-aligned, skipping 1 byte");
pc += 1;
uint8_t *data = os->data;
while(pc < limit)
int syscall = os_syscall_find(os, pc | 0x80000000);
if(syscall == -1)
syscall = os_syscall_find(os, pc | 0xa0000000);
if(syscall != -1)
struct sys_call const *s = sys_find(syscall);
printf("\n<%x %%%03x", pc, syscall);
if(s) printf(" %s", s->name);
uint16_t opcode = (data[pc] << 8) | data[pc + 1];
int count = matches(opcode);
if(count == 0) printf("%6x: %04x\n", pc, opcode);
else if(count == 1) instruction_single(opcode);
else instruction_conflicts(opcode, count);
pc += 2;