#! /usr/bin/make -f #--- # # gint project Makefile. # #--- #--- # Project variables. #--- # Modules modules-gint = core keyboard mmu mpu rtc screen timer \ bopti display gray tales modules-libc = setjmp string stdio # Targets target-g1a = gintdemo.g1a target-lib = libgint.a target-std = libc.a # Tools cc = sh3eb-elf-gcc as = sh3eb-elf-as ar = sh3eb-elf-ar ob = sh3eb-elf-objcopy wr = g1a-wrapper # Flags cflags = -m3 -mb -nostdlib -I include -ffreestanding -std=c11 -Os # Demo application (could be done better) demo-src = $(notdir $(wildcard demo/*.[cs])) demo-ld = demo/gintdemo.ld demo-icon = demo/icon.bmp demo-res = $(notdir $(wildcard demo/resources/*)) demo-obj = $(patsubst %,build/demo_%.o,$(demo-src) $(demo-res)) demo-elf = build/gintdemo.elf demo-bin = build/gintdemo.bin demo-libs = -L. -lgint -lc -lgcc # Specific objects obj-lib-spec = build/display_font_system.bmp.o obj-std-spec = #--- # Automatic variables. #--- # Modules are subfolders of src/. modules = $(modules-gint) $(modules-libc) define n # This is a newline character. endef # Module-scope variables. $(foreach mod, $(modules), $(eval \ mod-$(mod)-c = $(notdir $(wildcard src/$(mod)/*.c)) $n\ mod-$(mod)-asm = $(notdir $(wildcard src/$(mod)/*.s)) $n\ mod-$(mod)-src = $$(mod-$(mod)-c)$$(mod-$(mod)-asm) $n\ mod-$(mod)-obj = $$(patsubst %,build/$(mod)_%.o,$$(mod-$(mod)-src)) \ )) # Target-scope variables. obj-std = $(foreach mod,$(modules-libc),$(mod-$(mod)-obj)) $(obj-std-spec) obj-lib = $(foreach mod,$(modules-gint),$(mod-$(mod)-obj)) $(obj-lib-spec) # Dependencies hdr-dep = $(wildcard include/*.h include/internals/*.h) #--- # Rule templates. #--- # C source file template: # $1 module name # $2 filename define rule-c-source build/$1_$2.o: src/$1/$2 $(hdr-dep) $(cc) -c $$< -o $$@ $(cflags) -I src/$1 endef # asm source file template: # $1 module name # $2 filename define rule-asm-source build/$1_$2.o: src/$1/$2 $(as) -c $$< -o $$@ endef #--- # Building. #--- # Generic rules all: build $(target-std) $(target-lib) $(target-g1a) @echo "[ \033[32;1mOK\033[0m ] All done!" build: mkdir -p $@ $(target-std): $(obj-std) $(ar) rcs $@ $^ @echo "[ \033[32;1mOK\033[0m ] libc: `stat -c %s $@` bytes" $(target-lib): $(target-std) $(obj-lib) $(ar) rcs $@ $(obj-lib) @echo "[ \033[32;1mOK\033[0m ] libgint: `stat -c %s $@` bytes" $(target-g1a): $(target-std) $(target-lib) $(demo-obj) $(cc) -o $(demo-elf) $(cflags) -T $(demo-ld) $(demo-obj) $(demo-libs) $(ob) -R .comment -R .bss -O binary $(demo-elf) $(demo-bin) $(wr) $(demo-bin) -o $@ -i $(demo-icon) @echo "[ \033[32;1mOK\033[0m ] demo app: `stat -c %s $@` bytes" # Automated rules $(foreach mod,$(modules), \ $(foreach source,$(mod-$(mod)-c), $(eval \ $(call rule-c-source,$(mod),$(source)))) \ $(foreach source,$(mod-$(mod)-asm), $(eval \ $(call rule-asm-source,$(mod),$(source)))) \ ) # Specific rules # This one should not be optimized. It makes __attribute__((interrupt_handler)) # buggy... maybe. Anyway there's a bug in this file. build/core_gint.c.o: src/core/gint.c $(mod-core-dep) $(cc) -c $< -o $@ $(cflags) -I src/core -O0 build/display_font_system.bmp.o: src/display/font_system.bmp fxconv $< -o $@ --font -n gint_font_system # Demo application build/demo_%.c.o: demo/%.c $(cc) -c $< -o $@ $(cflags) build/demo_font_%.bmp.o: demo/resources/font_%.bmp fxconv $< -o $@ --font -n $(patsubst demo/resources/%.bmp,res_%,$<) build/demo_%.bmp.o: demo/resources/%.bmp fxconv $< -o $@ -n $(patsubst demo/resources/%.bmp,res_%,$<) #--- # Cleaning and others. #--- clean: @ rm -rf build/* mrproper: clean @ rm -f $(target-g1a) $(target-lib) $(target-std) @ rm -rf build distclean: mrproper install: usb-connector SEND $(target-g1a) $(target-g1a) fls0 .PHONY: all clean mrproper distclean