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gint documentation: bitmap rendering

Warning: this is a draft. The current implementation of bopti is different from this description, though similar.


The bitmap drawing module, bopti, is based on video-ram (vram) bitwise operations. The images are made of layers that describe (more or less) which pixels of the image an operation applies to. Rendering the image consists in applying an operation function to the existing vram pixels.

bopti makes an extensive use of longword operations and 4-alignment to take advantage of the bit-based structure of the monochrome vram and enhance performance. Among all possible optimizations, avoiding direct pixel access has proven to be the most efficient.


Operations are functions applied to update a vram longword in accordance with an operation mask. Bits that are set in the mask indicate pixels which have to be updated by the operation. Bits that are reset indicate pixels that must not be changed.

All the point is, the functions must not access the bit information in the mask or the vram data individually. They must operate globally using longword bitwise instructions, so that performance is maintained.

Consider for instance a logical and operation ((a, b) -> a & b). Operating on pixels would need to move some data, test the value of a bit in the mask, edit the vram data, and eventually shift both the data and the mask, for all of the 32 pixels. One could not expect this from happening in less than 150 processor cycles (in comparison, using generic-purpose setPixel()-like functions would be at least 10 times as long). The smarter method operates directly on the longword parameters, and performs data = data & ~mask, which is 2 processor cycles long.

The following operations are defined by bopti:

  • Draw : Draws black pixels.
  • Alpha : Erases non-transparent pixels.
  • Change : Changes the pixels' color.
  • Lighten : Lightens gray pixels.
  • Lighten2: Lightens gray pixels more.
  • Darken : Darkens gray pixels.
  • Darken2 : Darkens gray pixels more.

To perform an operation, bopti uses the mask data, which is taken from a layer, and calls the associated operation function. Every operation has its default layer mask (except change), but this setting may be overridden. bopti allows user programs to use any monochrome image as a mask for an operation. For instance, a black rectangle may be drawn by any of the operation functions, resulting in various results.

An additional operation, fill, is defined by the library. It does all the job necessary to render the full image, which often falls back to performing the operations that correspond to the kind of image.

Operation on gray pixels

Detailed article: Gray engine

Gray pixels are made of four colors represented by pairs of bits. Arguments light and dark of gray operation functions are longwords containing the least significant and most significant of these bits, respectively.

white     = 0 [00]
lightgray = 1 [01]
darkgray  = 2 [10]
black     = 3 [11]

The Lighten operation affects pixels as if decrementing their value (white pixels are not changed), and darken does the opposite (black pixels are not changed). Operations Lighten2 and darken2 do the same two times.

From this description, and considering two bits light and dark, it follows that:

lighten2 (light, dark) = (0, light & dark)
lighten  (light, dark) = (light & dark, light & ~dark)
darken   (light, dark) = (light | dark, light | ~dark)
darken2  (light, dark) = (1, light | dark)

This does not take account of a possible operation mask. See section Operation functions for more flexible functions.

Partial transparency

bopti allows monochrome images to have semi-transparent pixels. Consider for example a white background. An opaque black pixel will render black, while a 1/3-transparent black pixel will render dark gray, and a 2/3-transparent black pixel will render light gray. Which means that:

  • 1/3-transparent white pixels form the mask for lighten2
  • 2/3-transparent white pixels form the mask for lighten
  • 2/3-transparent black pixels form the mask for darken
  • 1/3-transparent black pixels form the mask for darken2

Partial transparency on gray pixels is not allowed. Apart from the complexity of the generic partial transparency rendering operation, semi-transparent gray pixels are not of any use.

Operation functions

Operations on monochrome buffers are defined as functions of two parameters: the vram data longword to update, data, and the operation mask, x. Every of these functions must satisfy f(data, 0) = data.

Operations on gray buffers take three arguments: light and dark, which are longwords from the gray buffers, and the operation mask x. They update both longwords and return them. These functions must satisfy f(light, dark, 0) = (light, dark).

The functions for each of the operations are the following:

# Draw function
draw(data, x) = data | x

# Alpha function
alpha(data, x) = data & ~x

# Change function
change(data, x) = data ^ x

# Lighten function
lighten(light, dark, x) = (light & (dark | ~x), (light | ~x) & (x ^ dark))

# Lighten2 function
lighten2(light, dark, x) = (light & ~x, (light | ~x) & dark)

# Darken function
darken(light, dark, x) = (light | (dark & x), (light & x) | (x ^ dark))

# Darken2 function
darken2(light, dark, x) = (light | x, (light & x) | dark)

One could easily check that these functions do their jobs when x = 1 and leave the data unchanged when x = 0.

Image format

Images are made of layers, each of which describe the mask for an operation. When an image is rendered, bopti draws some of those layers in the vram using the operation functions.

  • Non-transparent monochrome images only have one layer, which describes the mask for the draw operation.
  • Transparent monochrome images have two layers. The first describes the mask for the draw operation, while the other is the alpha operation mask (which means that it indicates which pixels are transparent).
  • Non-transparent gray images also have two layers: one for each gray buffer. Both are for the draw operation.
  • Transparent gray images have three layers. Two of them constitute the two-bit color information for the draw operation, and the third is the alpha operation mask.
  • Semi-transparent monochrome images also have three layers. Two are used to store the two-bit transparency level information (0 is opaque, 3 is fully transparent), and the third indicates the color.

Layers are encoded as a bit map. The image is split into a grid, which is made of 32-pixel columns, and an end.

   32     32     32   end
|      |      |      |   |
|      |      |      |   |
|      |      |      |   |


The first bytes of the layer data is the column data. Each column is encoded as a 32-bit integer array from top to bottom. Columns are written from left to right. The end is encoded as an 8-bit or 16-bit integer array depending on its size, and written from top to bottom. Additionally, 0 to 3 NUL (0x00) bytes are added to make the layer size a multiple of 4 (to allow 32-bit access to the column data of the following layer).

In case of big images (see the image structure below), the end is expanded to a 32-pixel column to improve performance.

The image itself is a structure of the following kind (in case of small images):

struct Image
	unsigned char magic;
	unsigned char format;

	unsigned char width;
	unsigned char height;

	const uint32_t data[];

} __attribute__((aligned(4)));

For bigger images (width > 255 or height > 255), both width and height are set to 0 and the actual size information is written on two shorts just where the data resides:

struct BigImage
	unsigned char magic;
	unsigned char format;

	unsigned char null_width;       /* contains 0 */
	unsigned char null_height;      /* contains 0 */

	unsigned short width;
	unsigned short height;

	const uint32_t data[];

} __attribute__((aligned(4)));

This does not create a memory loss because a two-byte gap was needed to make the data 4-aligned.

  • The magic number, which is common to all the file formats of gint, identifies the file type and version of the structure. bopti will not render an image which is not encoded for its specific version.

  • The format attribute describes the layer distribution, as specified by the following enum:

    enum ImageFormat
    	ImageFormat_Mono                = 0x01,
    	ImageFormat_MonoAlpha           = 0x09,
    	ImageFormat_Gray                = 0x06,
    	ImageFormat_GrayAlpha           = 0x0e,
    	ImageFormat_GreaterAlpha        = 0x31,
    	ImageFormat_ColorMask           = 0x07,
    	ImageFormat_AlphaMask           = 0x38,

    Alpha refers to uniform transparency. The only format that supports partial transparency is GreaterAlpha, and it is always encoded as monochrome (because using gray pixels would lead to 9 different colors, which is rather unoptimized). Gray images with partial transparency will be refused by fxconv.

  • The width and height attributes are exactly what you expect.

  • The data is simply made of all the layers put one after another. Layers are put in the following order:

      [0]  Monochrome `draw` layer
      [1]  Dark gray `draw` layer
      [2]  Light gray `draw` layer
      [3]  Uniform `alpha` layer
      [4]  First semi-`alpha` layer
      [5]  Second semi-`alpha` layer

    Not every format uses the six layers, of course. The layers used by each format may be found by reading the position of the 1's in the corresponding enum ImageFormat entry. Layers that are not needed are skipped.